Orienteering in Venice
Venice in November welcomes orienteers from all over the world for the Orienteering Meeting (MOV).
Here you can find information for the upcoming Meeting edition, online registration to the MOV, MOV history information and other Venice country orienteering activities.
The Comitato Organizzatore Orienteering Venice is composed as follow:
- Federico Bruni - President
- Sandro Gallo - Vice president
- Alessio Sabbadini - Secretary
- Laura Tessari
- Nicola Galvan
With the organizing committee the collaborating Venetian Clubs are:
- A.S.D. Polisportiva Bissuola
- A.S.D. Orienteering G. Galilei
- A.S.D. Orienteering Laguna Nord Venezia
- A.S.S. Orienteering Malipiero Marcon
- Orienteering Swallows Noale A.S.D